
Red Sox 2-0 Lead against the Angels

I never thought that one day i would fall in love with baseball, but i am now...自從老谷愛上棒球之後,我中毒的程度也不輸給他,越看越是發現棒球有其獨特的迷人之處...

The Boston Red Sox just leaded the Los Angel Angles with 2-0 this morning, the actual time is am1:00 at Boston. Because of the typhoon, i was staying at my home all day and watch the hole game through PPStream- the internet TV. The toss was shown up at the bottom of the ninth inning rolled around -- with the game tied at 3, two outs and its Manny Ramirez's turn for the win...

With one sweet swing, Ramirez did just that, slamming a majestic three-run walk-off homer to left field...This is the most exciting part of baseball. Ramirez raises his arms in victory after hitting a three-run homer. He already knew that when he hits the ball...

The Fenway Park was crowed with 37,706 people, it was 1:00am in the morning but no one left the baseball field, they are waiting for this moment and got the favorableness. You know, even you are watching the game through the TV, you can still feel the exciting moment and crazy at the time...I wish i could have a chance to go to Fenway Park someday...

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